Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Diseases and Weakness of the Ummah; What is the Cure?

Shaykh ‘Abdul’Azeez bin Rayess ar-Rayees said, "…our deen is perfect, everything has been explained, al-Bukhaaree reported on the authority of Abee Hurairah (radiyallaahu anhu) who related that the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) stated, "Allaah has not sent down a disease, except that He also sends down its cure." [Kitaab ut-Tibb, hadeeth no.5678] Our clear and noble Divine Legislation has explained the cure of this disease and of this calamity; do you know what it is? It is to return to Allaah and establish His deen beginning with establishing Tawheed which is Allaah’s right over His servants as Shaykhaan have reported on the authority of Mu’adh (radiyallaahu anhu), so look at the shirk!! You find that it is prevalent within most of the Muslim countries and look at the innovation! You will also see that the Muslims are entrenched in it, to the extent that it has become their deen that they think Allaah has ordained for them. Therefore, our tribulations and calamities are as a result of us leaving the deen, as Allaah has said,

"Why (is it that) when a single disaster struck you (on the day of Uhud), although you have stuck (the enemy in the battle of Badr) with one twice as great, you said "From whence has this come to us?" Say, "It is from yourselves (i.e. due to your sin)" [Soorah Aali-Imraan (3):165]

"Corruption has appeared on land and sea because of what the hands of the people have earned…" [Soorah Ar-Room (30):41]

Imaam Abu’l Abbas Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullaah) said in his book al-Jawaab as-Saheeh (vol.6, p.450): "When the kuffaar are manifest that is due to the sins of the Muslims which necessitate a weakness in their eemaan, then if they repent with their eemaan completed Allaah will help them as He said,

"So do not be weak and do not grieve and you will be superior, if you are indeed (true) believers." [Soorah Aali-Imraan (3):138]

And Allaah says,

"Why (is it that) when a single disaster struck you (on the day of Uhud), although you have stuck (the enemy in the battle of Badr) with one twice as great, you said "From whence has this come to us?" Say, "It is from yourselves (i.e. due to your sin)" [Soorah Aali-Imraan (3):165]

Imaam Ibn Qayyim (rahimahullaah) said in his book Madaarij us-Saalikeen (vol.2, p.240): "If the servant (of Allaah) reflects on the reason and cause his preoccupation with rejecting (such reasons and causes) would be more serious to him. If the servant (of Allaah) is a transgressor, then he is the one who has allowed transgression to command upon his own self. As Allaah says,

"Why (is it that) when a single disaster struck you (on the day of Uhud), although you have stuck (the enemy in the battle of Badr) with one twice as great, you said "From whence has this come to us?" Say, "It is from yourselves (i.e. due to your sin)" [Soorah Aali-Imraan (3):165]

So He informed that the harm that the enemies do to them and their victory over them (Muslims): it is all due to the Muslims own transgressions. Allaah says,

"Whatever calamity befalls you then it is due to what your own hands have earned. And He pardons much." [Soorah ash-Shooraa (42):30]

Imaam Ibn Qayyim also said in his book Ighaathatul-Luhfaan (vol.2, p.182): "Likewise, victory and complete assistance (from Allaah) is only of the people of complete eemaan, Allaah says,

"Indeed We will grant victory to Our Messengers and those who believe in the worldly life and on the Day when the witnesses will stand forth." [Soorah Ghaafir (40):51]

And Allaah says,

"So We supported those who believed against their enemy and they become dominant." [Soorah as-Saff (61):14]

So whoever is deficient in his eemaan, his portion of support and assistance (from Allaah) will also be deficient. Therefore, if a servant (of Allaah) is afflicted in his own self or in his wealth, or by his enemies being dominant over him, then all of this is due to his own sins or due to his abandoning of the obligations or due to his involvement in haraam. All of this is from his deficiency in eemaan."

Many sects have been misguided as soon as they try to diagnose the sickness of the Muslims, a group will say: "the weakness of the Muslims is due to the corrupt leaders being dominant" yet the first thing which denies this is the book of Allaah, wherein Allaah says,

"And thus do We make the wrong-doers helpers and supporters of one another, because of what they earn." [Soorah al-An’aam (6):129]

Therefore, Allaah supports an unjust leader as a punishment on his servants who oppressed themselves due to their lack of establishing the deen of Allaah. So when this sect erred and thought that the weakness of the Muslims was due to their leaders, the deen became talking about the leaders day and night. Imaam Ibn Qayyim said in his book Miftaah Daar us-Sa’aadah (Vol.1, pg.117-178):

"Contemplate on His wisdom in that He makes the kings and rulers of the people those who have the same actions as them. Indeed, their actions manifested in the forms of their leaders and kings. If they were steadfast, their kings became steadfast; if they were just, their rulers were likewise just to them; if they were unjust, their kings and rulers would also be unjust. If plotting and treachery manifested among the people, it would likewise be manifested in their leaders. If they withheld from the rights of Allaah and were stingy, their kings and rulers would also withhold their money and be stingy. If they took from those who were weak without right in their interactions with them, the kings and rulers would take from them without right…so their actions are an image of the people’s actions and it is not from Divine Wisdom except that those who are evil and immoral are put over those who are like them in actions. When the first generations were the best of generations and the most righteous, their leaders were like that as well. Now though, the wisdom of Allaah denies that those ruling over us will be of the like of Mu’aawiyah, Umar bin Abdul’Azeez not to mention the likes of Abee Bakr, ‘Umar! Rather, our leaders have our own condition and the leaders before represented the condition of the people they were ruling over. Both types each have their necessary wisdom and its own requisite."

Look at the speech of this Imaam, who was firmly grounded in knowledge and spoke with wisdom and exposition from the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of the Messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam)! Look how he made clear to us that our leaders are from us and are a punishment to us! So if we obeyed Allaah and traversed the straight way then Allaah would bless us with leaders and rulers like us. So whoever attributes the calamities of the Muslims to the rulers and leaders (solely) has greatly erred, is incorrect and is off the straight way.

A group claimed that the weakness of the Muslims is due to the strength of their enemies and their superior fire-power and strategies and thus they became preoccupied with following the news of the enemies day and night! Following their might and this is also an incorrect diagnosis which is incorrect and it is based upon another mistaken issue which is following the news reports of the non-Muslims. If you look at the Book of Allaah you will find that your Lord says,

"But if you remain patient and have consciousness of Allaah, their plan will not harm you at all." [Soorah Aali-Imraan (3):120]

So if we returned to Allaah, the plots and plans of our enemies would not be of benefit to them at all, they will plot and plan and Allaah plots and plans and Allaah is the Best of planners.

Another group says that our weakness is due to the lack of unity, so they began to call the people to "unity" even with different creeds?! So they call a Sunni to unite with a misguided partisan activist and to unite with a corrupted Sufi and even to unite with a raafidee innovator! They do not view that anything should be done except to unite the Muslims due to their idea that the weakness of the Muslims is due to their division. This is incorrect and the Book of Allaah makes this clear as Allaah says,

"…and on the Day of Hunayn when your great number pleased you, but it did not avail you at all." [Soorah at-Tawbah (9):25]

Laa ilaaha illa Allaah!! On the Day of Hunayn there were many yet that did not benefit them, why? Because they fell into sin of fleeing, one sin such as fleeing from the battlefield led them to be divided so what about with shirk which has surfaced in the east and in the west of the Islaamic countries, except for that which Allaah has shown mercy to?! Due this we are going through what we are in now in terms of the weakness of the Muslims…" [Taken from the lecture entitled: ‘Who’s for Iraaq?’]

Imaam Maalik Ibn Anas (rahimahullaah) said, "Whosoever introduces into Islaam an innovation, and holds it to be something good, has indeed alleged that Muhammad (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) has betrayed his message. Read the Saying of Allaah – the Most Blessed, the Most High,

"This day I have perfected your Religion for you, completed my favor upon you and I have chose for you Islaam as your Religion." [Soorah al-Maa’idah (5):3]

So that which was not part of the Religion at that time, cannot be part of the Religion today. And the last part of this Ummah cannot be rectified, except that which rectified its first part." [Related by al-Qaadhee ‘Iyaadh in ash-Shifaa (2/676)]

Shaykh Abdul-Azeez Ibn Abdullaah ibn Baz (rahimahullaah) said, "From that which there is no doubt about is that sins, and being far removed from the correct Islaamic Aqeedah – in both sayings and actions – are from the greatest reasons for bringing about crisis and calamities that have befallen the Muslims. Allaah – the Mighty and Majestic – said,

"Whatever good reaches you, it is from Allaah, and whatever evil befalls you, it is from yourself." [Soorah an-Nisaa (4):79]

Allaah – the Most Perfect, the Most High – also said,

"And whatever misfortune befalls you, it is because of what your hands have earned. Yet He pardons much." [Soorah ash-Shooraa (42):30]

So Allaah is Most Forgiving and the Most Merciful to His servants, sending to them clear signs and warnings, in order that they may turn back to Him in Tawbah (sincere repentance) and that He may forgive them. So when a person turns to Allaah and draws closer to Him by an arm’s length, then Allaah draws closer to him by two arms length. For indeed Allaah – the Most High – loves those of His servants who turn to Him in Tawbah (sincere repentance) and He is pleased with that, whilst He, the Majestic and Most High, remains absolutely self-sufficient of His servants. The obedience of the obedient ones does not benefit Him, nor do the sins of the sinful ones harm Him. Rather, He is Most Kind, Ever Merciful to His servants. And He grants them the ability to do acts of obedience and to leave acts of disobedience. So these crisis and calamities are none other than a warning to His servants, in that they should turn back to Allaah in repentance and obedience, and He informs them of this by way of testing them. [Excerpt from Majmmo’ul Fataawee wal-Maqaalaatil-Mutanawwi’ah (4/134)]

Allaah the Most High says,

"And certainly we shall test you with something of fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruit. But give glad tidings to those who have patience; those when afflicted with a calamity, say: Indeed to Allaah we belong, and to Him we shall return. They are those who shall have their ranks raised by Allaah, and they shall receive Mercy, and it is they who are the guided ones." [Soorah al-Baqarah (2):155]

And Allaah says,

"Corruption has appeared upon the land and at sea, because of what the hands of the people have earned. That Allaah may make them taste a part of that which they have done, in order that they may return (to Allaah in repentance)." [Soorah Ar-Room (30):41]

And He says,

"And We shall test you by way of evil and good, and to Us you will be returned." [Soorah al-Anbiyaa (21):35]

And He says,

"And We tested them with good blessing and evil calamities in order that they may return (to the obedience of Allaah)." [Soorah Al-A’raaf (7):168]

And Allaah the Most High says,

"Indeed, Allaah will not change the condition of a people until they change the condition of themselves." [Soorah Ar-Ra’d (13):11]

In a Hadeeth recorded in Sunan Abee Dawood, narrated on the authority of Thawban: The Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) said: ‘The people will soon summon one another to attack you as people when eating invite others to share their dish. Someone asked: ‘Will that be because of our small numbers at that time?’ He replied, "No, you will be numerous at that time: but you will be like foam and scum like that carried down by a torrent (of water). And Allaah will remove the fear of you from the hearts of your enemies and will throw wahn (weakness) into your hearts." Someone said: "O Messenger of Allaah! What is wahn?" He said: ‘Love of the world and the hatred for death."

And in another Hadeeth recorded in Sunan Abee Dawood, narrated on the authority of Abdullaah Ibn Umar (radiyallaahu anhu): "I heard the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) say, "If you enter into Eenah and become satisfied with agriculture and follow the tails of cow (become preoccupied with worldly affairs) and leave Jihaad in the way of Allaah, then Allaah will cause you to be subjugated and suffer humiliation, which will not be lifted until you return to your Deen."

Allaah the Most High has also informed His servants saying,

“Allaah has promised those among you who believe, and do righteous good deeds, that He will certainly grant them succession to (the present rulers) in the earth, as He granted it to those before them, and that He will grant them the authority to practice their religion, that which He has chosen for them (i.e. Islaam). And He will surely give them in exchange a safe security after their fear (provided) they (believers) worship Me and do not associate anything (in worship) with Me.” [Soorah an-Noor (24):55]

Shaykh Abdur-Rahmaan as-Sa’dee said: “This is from the truthful promises, He promises whoever establishes eemaan and righteous actions from this Ummah that He will grant them succession in the earth and be Khulafaa’ (successors) in the earth. He will establish their religion for them which He has preferred for them, which is Islaam, which above all other religions which He has preferred for this Ummah, due to the Ummah’s virtue, nobility and blessing. Those who establish it (the deen) will be firmly established and also due to their open and secret establishing of Allaah’s Divine Legislation within their own selves and within others (from other religions and kuffar who have been overpowered). Allaah will substitute after their fear wherein one could not manifest his deen or fear from harm of the kuffaar against him and the condition of the Muslims is insignificant in comparison to that of the others and the people of earth throw at them from one bow and wreak havoc against them. Allaah promised them these affairs at the time of the descent of the ayah: succession in the earth and empowerment in the earth, empowerment in the earth to establish the Islaamic way of life, complete security wherein they worship Allaah and do not associate anything with Him not fearing anyone except Allaah. So the core of this Ummah established eemaan and righteous actions in order to be successful. Allaah established them with countries and pious servants (of Allaah) from the eastern parts of the earth to the west and complete safety was obtained along with total empowerment. This is from the wondrous and splendid signs of Allaah and the affair will remain in this way until the Last Hour. As long as the people establish eemaan and righteous actions there is no escape from finding what Allaah has promised them. And if the kuffaar and Munafiqeen overpower the Muslims at times, this is due to Muslims being devoid of eemaan and righteous actions.”

Shaykh ul-Islaam Strikes an Important Lesson.

Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullaah) said in ‘ar-Radd alal-Bakri (2/731-740): “…After being acquainted with that which the Messenger came with, we know by necessity that he did not legislate for his Ummah that they call upon any of the dead people or any of the Prophets and nor the righteous, or other than them. Neither with a word that entails the seeking of deliverance, or other than that, or with a word entail seeking refuge (with them) and nor other than that. Just as he did not legislate for his Ummah that they prostrate to a dead person or other than a dead person and other such things. Rather, we know that he forbade all of these affairs, and explained that all of these affairs are from the Shirk which Allaah, the Most High, and His Messenger have forbidden. However, due to the abundance of ignorance and the paucity of knowledge regarding the remnant (teachings) of the Messengership (risaalah) with many of the later generations, takfeer is not to be performed of them on account of these affairs until it is made sufficiently clear to them what the Messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) came with and what opposes it.

It is for this reason (that I observed) that never did I explain this issue, ever, to those who knew well the foundation of Islaam except that they understood it perfectly well, and that they exclaimed, “This is the deen of Islaam (indeed)”. And some of the most senior and erudite of the Shaykhs from amongst our associates, would say “This is the greatest affair that you have explained to us”. This due to their knowledge that this is the foundation of the religion.

And this person and his likes used to call upon the dead and ask from them and would seek protection from them and humble themselves to them (in times of need). And perhaps what they used to do with the dead was greater because they would seek the dead in times of hardships that came upon them, so they would call in the manner that one stricken with a calamity calls, hoping in the provision of his need, by his supplication, or by supplication to this person, or by supplication at his grave – instead of worshipping Allaah, the Most High, and calling Him alone. However, they do this (i.e. call upon the dead) on many occasions and as a matter of habit, such that even when an external, non-Muslim enemy, made its way to Damascus, they all came out seeking deliverance by the graves of the dead – those in whom they place their hope of removing the harms (of the enemy). And one of the poets said:

O you who fear the Tartars. Seek refuge with the grave of Abu ‘Umar.

Or he said:

Seek refuge in the grave of Abu Umar. He will deliver you from the harms.

So I said to them: Those whom you seek deliverance from, if they had been with you in fighting, they would have been defeated, just like those who were defeated from amongst the Muslims in the Battle of Uhud. For it had passed that the army was defeated on account of reasons that necessitated this defeat, and also due to the wisdom of Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic in all of that. It is for this reason that the people of knowledge and religion and those with sure insight of the affairs did not fight (against the Tartars) on this occasion, due to it not being the legislated type of fighting which Allaah and His Messenger had ordained. And when there results evil and corruption and the absence of the desired type of assistance and victory (from Allaah), from this particular fighting, then there will be no earthly or heavenly reward involved – for the one who knows this. However, many of those who held that this was a situation where the legislated type of fighting holds and applies suspected the intentions of those who held that this was not the case.

So when the affairs of the people became rectified and they were truthful in their seeking of aid and deliverance from their Lord alone, He helped them against their enemy with mighty assistance and help. And the Tartars had not suffered any defeat like this defeat before this.

All of this being due to what occurred of the actualization of the Tawheed of Allaah, obedience to Him and to His Messenger – which was not existent before that. And verily, Allaah the Most High aids His Messenger and those who believe, in the life of this world and the Hereafter and the Day when the witnesses will stand…” End of Shaykh us-Islaam’s words.

For further reading on this topic I recommend: The Decisive Word on the Factors of Victory and Establishment by Shaykh Muhammad bin Moosaa Aal Nasr. Commentary on the Hadeeth "Allaah will cause you to be subjected and suffer humiliation, which will not be lifted until you return to your Deen."


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